What We
Are Doing

Bluegrass Animal Welfare Advocacy Group (BAWAG) hopes to bring public awareness to the multitude of issues that affect Kentucky’s dogs, cats, horses, and burros (donkeys). We are not an advocacy group who intends to advocate at this time for all animals as in farm livestock but we do hope that Kentucky’s farming community at least treat their livestock humanely. We also do not advocate against those that wish to participate in legal hunting. What we ARE looking to do is to educate all Kentuckians on our horrible animal laws and those who oppose trying to make them better. It is time for Kentucky to fall in line with other states and put prosecutable laws in place to protect against the abuse, neglect, and intentional harm inflicted upon those who have no voice. We pledge our relentless commitment to a more compassionate Kentucky!


Now more than ever your vote is needed. It is as simple as clicking on this link, it will only take a minute of your time and can make all the difference in the world for the animals of Kentucky.


The following link will help you decide on the candidates you should vote on and the ones you feel will make the biggest changes in Kentucky. Its time to clean up Frankfort. They have all forgotten who the tax payers are and we are not going to let these politicians slide by again. Its time to hold these politicians accountable. We have taken enough of this foolishness, its time to take a NO nonsense approach to all of the rhetoric.


In partnership with the Kentucky Legislature and The Legislative Research Commission, Kentucky.gov has created Bill Watch. This free service enables Kentucky.gov registered users unlimited tracking of legislation during the Kentucky Legislative Session.

Find Your Legislator

One person can make a difference,
and everyone should try.
– John F. Kennedy

Upcoming events

    Help Stop Puppy Mills

    The Cruelty Behind the Cuteness. Don’t be fooled: the person or pet store you’ve picked to buy your puppy from might be supporting the notorious puppy mill industry. Puppy mills are breeding businesses that raise dogs in shockingly poor conditions.

    Learn more

    Let's work together and make a difference in Kentucky.

    Wall of Shame
    Shame on Kentucky’s legislators who have not voted favorably for humane legislation that pertains to animals.
    Wall of Fame
    Thank you to the representatives that support Kentucky’s animals.